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IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS

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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 12.12.2005 - 14:06 #26354

Joined: Dec 09, 2004
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Location: L.A.
dedinka pri PD

poradte mi co robim zle...
deny all from any to any out via $net //zakaze uplne vsetko, skusal som aj deny all from ale vysledok rovnaky
iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 01-23-45-67-89-0A -s -i ether1 -j ACCEPT // mac som skusal aj s : ale to iste.

ak to ulozim a aplikujem, mam uplny zakaz, ale podla toho co ste tu povedali hore by mala byt tato ip adresa opravnena na pristup do inetu.
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 12.12.2005 - 14:23 #26355

Joined: Jan 12, 2003
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najprv musis dat accept a az potom na zaver deny (teda tak to musi vyzerat vo vyslednej tabulke a kedze to davas cez -A tak vzdy pridavas nakoniec, tak aj v tom zapise to musis mat v takom poradit...)
lebo ako iste vies, aplikuje sa prve pravidlo ktore matchne Smile
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 12.12.2005 - 17:39 #26360

Joined: Máj 12, 2004
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cize takto?
#povolime mac a zviazeme s ip
iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 01:23:45:67:89:0A -s -i ether1 -j ACCEPT
#zakazeme vsetko ostatne
deny all from any to any out via $net

je to tak spravne?
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 12.12.2005 - 23:39 #26376

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ak to deny ide cez -A tak ano
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 12:23 #26546

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dedinka pri PD

bud som blby alebo to neviem, presne podla tohto a stale mam zakazany net po tomto vsetkom. ten iptables nejako nefunguje.

to deny funguje perfektne...
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 12:27 #26548

Joined: Dec 27, 2002
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nezabudni po zmene restartovat AP Smile
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 12:30 #26549

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tak to je samozrejmostou...
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 13:00 #26550

Joined: Feb 05, 2003
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star os som sice videl len 5min...

v tom iptables povolujes -A INPUT, tj pristup na ten stroj (na ten star os)
a ty potrebujes povolit aj FORWARD
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 13:54 #26555

Joined: Dec 09, 2004
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dedinka pri PD

iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT #tak toto mi funguje, akonahle tam pridam porovnavanie s MAC tak to neprejde a uplatni sa deny all.... nasiel som tu ze MAC treba zadavat s ::, to mam.
ak spravne chapem tak prepinac -m je vlastne match(ze co sa ma rovnat) MAC --mac-source 00:00:00:00:00:00.
teraz to je vlastne tak, ze su povolene len niektore IP smerom von, ale nezavisle na MAC. Cize ak niekto si da takuto IP tak ma inet.
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 14:08 #26558

Joined: Feb 05, 2003
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Location: Bratislava
hore spominas
iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 01-23-45-67-89-0A -s -i ether1 -j ACCEPT

a takisto by malo byt ok
iptables -A FORWARD -m mac --mac-source 01-23-45-67-89-0A -s -i ether1 -j ACCEPT

(akurat pozeram ze na linuxe sa mac dava v tvare 01:23:45:67:89:0A)
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 14:45 #26560

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dedinka pri PD

dik funguje to. vysledny tvar:

iptables -A FORWARD -S ip_adresa -m mac --mac-source MM:AA:CC:MM:AA:CC -j ACCEPT
deny all from any to any via $net #net je premanna na adapter do inetu.

este raz vdaka.
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 19.12.2005 - 19:18 #26576

Joined: Júl 24, 2004
Posts: 240

Ok takze kde bola teda cely cas chyba... nejako mi to nedochadza...
len mac bola v zlom tvare?

a este taka otazka... nebolo by dobre dat tam aj ze cez aky interfejs to ma ist... napr. -i $net

PS: nema to byt nahodou ze ... FORWARD -s ...
lebo ty mas -S
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 02.01.2006 - 16:36 #27182

Joined: Máj 12, 2004
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andreas4all wrote: ›dik funguje to. vysledny tvar:

iptables -A FORWARD -S ip_adresa -m mac --mac-source MM:AA:CC:MM:AA:CC -j ACCEPT
deny all from any to any via $net #net je premanna na adapter do inetu.

este raz vdaka.
mas tam chybu ma to byt

deny all from any to any out via $net
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 02.01.2006 - 16:51 #27184

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nie je to chyba. deny all prom any to any via $net znemena ze aj dnu aj von.
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Post subject: RE: IP vs MAC filtering na StarOS  PostPosted: 02.01.2006 - 17:00 #27185

Joined: Máj 12, 2004
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andreas4all wrote: ›nie je to chyba. deny all prom any to any via $net znemena ze aj dnu aj von.
no daj si syntax check a uvidis, mne to hadze chybu bez to out...
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